Hai friend, my name is Imanuel Revana, you can call me Imanuel.. I was born in Kediri seventeen years ago on sixtith of June. I was born there, but I did not growt up there. I've been lived in Bali for 2 years and moved to Surabaya in 1998 and the same years, my Sister, Evin was born. I've father, Iwan. And Dewi, my moms. Every day, we accompanied by our pet, Brenda. She's a dog. She's four years old.
To fill my free times, sometimes i do my hobbies. i love playing guitar. How often i play it? every day. i do it because i love music. i will not be a musician, i just use music as my friend, my best friend, who can cheer me when i've a big problem. i think no other friend like it hahaha. i've another hobbies too. i like watching movies too, i love the story line where may be it will be in the real live so i can understand how and what i'll do when i have problem like in the film was played.
a years ago, i have been moved from my old house. i was moved to Perum Juanda City D-05 where i must spend thirty minutes to get to my collage. Its oke, its not a big problem, i still happiness. In here my house is bigger than my old house, is better than old house. When i on the way go to collage i always found a new experience. I haven't bored when on the way, because there is a lot of landscape. a new landscape that i had never seen before.
"Hai friend" you can change it with "hello my friends"
BalasHapusto all your friends? or only your friend?
all of u is my friend hahaha
BalasHapusHai imanuel, thank's for your introduction..
BalasHapusnow, i can more then know you.. haha..
Ok Her. where is your own blog?
HapusI can't read the content may bee you can change your blog background or the content background
BalasHapus*note : i think your grammars is okay
Hello there !
BalasHapusI am agreed with Iqbal.
And you should 'repair' some words like "collage" and so on.
Nice introduction but the background.... make me sick......
BalasHapusoh u r sick? can i bring u some medicine? hahaha
HapusHi Imanuel! I like your post, but it will be better if you change the word "sixtith" become "sixteenth" hehe, thank you^^
BalasHapusi know u so well hahaha
BalasHapushi imanuel let's play guitar together.
BalasHapusbtw that's a nice post
but i think "real live" it should be "real life", isn't it ?
OK, I think you must change your background first, because your background make the reader hard to read your post, thank you and sorry if my word is wrong or bad ^_^
BalasHapusplease change your background noel, because your background make the reader confused
BalasHapusplease change your background noel, because your background make the reader confused
BalasHapuswell, nice post. but i think, the template made me dazzle :)
BalasHapusso your home is closer to juanda?
BalasHapusnice boy, nice job, nice post. you can Help me to lern about women. I hope we can be a good friend.
nice post brother.
BalasHapusHI Immanuel, I like your article, but I'm sorry you must change your template design, I can't enjoy read If its transparant to background ^_^
BalasHapuswell, i see your dog traces here :v
BalasHapusi hope you can teach play guitar for me :D
BalasHapusit's harder to read your post X_X
BalasHapusi think it is not "I did not growt up there" but "I did not grow up there" (Line 3)